To be a mom to children of the present generation, which I prefer to call Generation XYZ, is something that is probably comparable to taking up a post-doctorate degree! I've been pursuing this 'study' for more than two decades now and yet, I haven't mastered it yet. New questions keep coming up and there is no easy answer to most of it.
For some of us who may be thinking of influencing and making our own contribution to creating a better world for the next generation -- this can be truly extra-challenging.
How easy it would be to simply manage things 'automatically" with the help of our 'autopilot' to manage day-to-day situations and never worry how this is going to affect the development of would-be parents and adults in the next generation.
But after having been made aware of how one's upbringing can influence much ofone's growing up years, as a parent, I want my two daughters to grow up happily, with confidence, and as responsible individuals. I also want them to be aware of who they are and be able to utilize whatever gifts have been bestowed on them, and have the tenacity and optimism to face challenges along the way.
Daunting task? Maybe, if we really think about it.
But if we live it one day at a time, striving to be sensitive and maintaining an open-mind (and heart) and a learning attitude while remaining conscious of how we respond to daily life circumstances, I believe the pay-off will benefit not only our children but also WE, the parents. We do and we will commit our own 'mistakes' in this kind of process. But such 'mistakes' are mere indications of the battle between the 'old' and the creation of an evolving 'new' approach to parenting.
It's not easy but it's possible. It can be done.
The joy in hearing stories from my daughters of how their day has been, how they hate that so-and-so somebody in school for being so mean, and how they almost got a perfect score (almost!) in their class exams, only prove that it's been a fruitful day for all of us. That all those years of challenging myself to continue learning and practicing what I've learned has been all worth it.
Who knows, one day, I might be able to retrieve back my badge of honor. It would be wonderful to hear my daughters' friends say, "Hey, your Mom rocks! Can I come and visit you at your place again? Jamming uli tayo!"
Or better yet, to hear my daughters tease me about my being able to post a blog again ... after some time of doing a lot of reflection and re-thinking these past months.
[Image credit]
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