Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Art of Detachment

"Detachment for me doesn’t mean indifference. It means being able to be passionate about something and yet at the same time, having the ability to peacefully accept whatever it is that happens in the end. It’s about having the humility to accept that there are so many variables in the equation, and not everything can be achieved just by working hard on it, or by thinking that you are entitled to it because you are this and that. Life is full of these complex things. Being able to detach one’s self from the fruits of our labor, our pseudo-urgent wants, even from those we feel so much for, is an act of humility." ~ Manila Gay Guy

It's been several months now since I last posted a write-up here in my blog. For the past 3 quarters, there have been several topics floating at the back of my mind, and one of them is about the art of detachment.

While faced with several challenges in my professional and personal life, I have longed for the comfort that writing about them could bring. Looking back now, and after reading this entry from one of my favorite blogsites, I realize that life has given me these challenges as venues to put into practice the art of detachment.

For now, I am trying to savor this moment of being able to break this momentum of silence, and have this entry posted here.

Thank you Sandwich Spy for the inspiration to write again ....

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