Sunday, October 2, 2011

Ideas for future blog posts

As early as February (this year) I made a list of what I wanted to write about for the next couple of months.  That was my attempt to send a signal to my subconscious to help me gather related information to those topics as I go about with my daily routines.

For strange reasons I couldn't find that list in my files now.  Although coming up with this list is much easier now, I still had to choose topics from similar lists drawn up by other bloggers and from WordPress to motivate struggling bloggers like me to continue posting in our blog sites.

After going through this 'selection process', I finally came up with this list, which I hope will keep me going in the next six weeks.  It's actually more of a menu than a chronological list since all I need is a spark, an inspiring thought to push me to writing something I want to share with you. 

  1. What 5 Books Have Influenced You The Most?
  2. What does 'home' mean to you?
  3. The stronger pull
  4. About 'alternative universe'
  5. The impulse to write
  6. What the purpose of my website is, who I am and why my blog is unique?
  7. Answer one question I think people visiting my blog may have.
  8. Write a blog post on the same topic as one of my most popular posts.
  9. Share a photo I took this week and tell you about it.
  10. Embed a legal youtube clip that I either found today or created myself. Then tell everyone about the clip and related information.
  11. Create a blog post on a subject I’ve never blogged about here before.
  12. Share hints or details of what I intend to write about in the future.

Have you got any topic suggestion?  Please feel free to post it as Comments below.

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