Thursday, November 1, 2007

For Jan, wherever you may be ...

Yeah, I know Organization Development is really a complex topic to discuss. There are many layers that need to be uncovered, to be understood … I can understand what you have written here because I’ve been teaching OD for Ph. D. students before I came to this project. But you need to write this manual for a linear-thinking audience, for people who may not even have heard about OD before …

These words were running at the back of my mind as Criz was telling me the news about Jan.

That was my very first encounter with Jan Shepherd, as she gave me her feedback on the draft of the OD Manual I wrote for the Woman's Health and Safe Motherhood Program - Partnerships Component or WHSMP-PC. And that was my first attempt to write a manual for an organization I haven't worked with before.

I took her challenge seriously and rewrote the entire document. After she read the second draft, there were more comments that came but this time she expressed them from the perspective of the project's field personnel and women's organizations in the different project sites, the 'users' of this document.

That was my first lesson on communications and working with a client organization. It didn't take long for them to hire me again to work on another writing project, and another project, and another project. Soon I found myself working with Jan for the entire year of 2003, my very first year as a freelance consultant.

My relationship with Jan extended beyond the typical consultant-client type of relationship. She became my mentor on matters related to OD work and improving my writing skills, on 'managing' my relationship with my two teenage daughters in their growing up years, and pursuing my chosen career path.

Since then I've worked with various agencies and organizations. But I always find myself going back to those talks I had with Jan whenever I'm faced with a challenging project. Even without telling me with words, I always felt that trust and confidence she had on my ability to do anything once I put my heart into it.

When I checked my inbox early this morning, I was so glad to see a message from Jan. But when i read it, that was the only time I cried over the news Criz told me yesterday. This was a letter signed by Andrew (Jan's hubby), sent through Jan's email account / address, informing me that Jan passed away while enroute between Melbourne and Manila.

Faced with a similar challenge when you asked me to rewrite that OD manual, I want to ask you now, Jan, how do I express the impact you've made into my life?

I wish you could see my blog now for this is one of my efforts to extend myself beyond my comfort zone, as you have always reminded me. I just hope there is an internet connection where you are now.

So long, Jan.

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